There is No Void

Just as nature abhors a vacuum so also does the oceanic abhor a void. The frequent use of such void language as: nothing, zero, abyss, vacant, lack, empty, null and nihilism can otherwise be read as signs of resistance to the oceanic. A literal abyss, such as the Marina Trench, is not void, but is rather a concentration of the oceanic in the extreme; compression, darkness, heat: where billion-year geologic force erupts into 8 tons of sea-weight per-square-inch: degree-zero of life itself. Likewise death—so freighted as it is with space: chasms, valleys, hells, gaps, graves, tombs, caves, tunnels, catacombs, ziggurats, heavens, and nirvana—is turned inside out by the oceanic into surplus: the sheer use-value of your body abstracted into its molecular components and neatly folded back into processes; there is no death in the oceanic, only return. Resistance develops when, unable to think about their mortality at all whatsoever, but forced to nevertheless, humans create elaborate defense systems of metaphor: these are tombs both literal and figurative. We wish to imagine anything other than that our loved ones would be consumed by the earth. So we invent a heaven, the greatest and happiest of all of voids.


Mushroom Speech


Primordial Laughter